What’s happening in week 12 of your pregnancy?


Your baby continues to grow:

They are now about 2.5 inches long (6.3 centimetres) and weighs over 14 grams.

Your little one’s vocal cords are forming:

Prepare to hear a big cry at birth!

Most of your baby’s internal systems are fully formed and working:

For example, their kidneys can process amniotic fluid and pass it as urine, and muscles in their digestive system are able to contract.

How is your baby’s brain developing?

Your baby’s brain is developing nerve fibres that are crucial for coordinating motor, sensory and cognitive functions between the right and left sides of the brain.

What pregnancy symptoms you might experience this week?

These symptoms may make social situations embarrassing, but it’s common for moms-to-be to experience more burping, bloating and gas. These tips will help reduce the digestive discomfort and allow you to enjoy your pregnancy further:

Eat small meals:

Eat small meals throughout the day, rather than three big meals to prevent bloating. Refrain from eating too much, too quickly, as you’ll end up swallowing air.

Avoid gas-inducing food:

Like onions, beans, fried food and carbonated drinks.

Keep exercising:

Gentle physical activity can aid digestion.

Mom’s Tip of the Week

Light exercises such as keeping your motions slow will protect your joints as they may be loosening up at this pregnancy stage. This is due to your body’s production of a hormone called relaxin, which will help the cervix to widen during labour. Remember to consult your doctor before doing any exercises during your pregnancy.


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