What’s happening in week 38 of your pregnancy?

On average, your baby weighs about 2.95 kg and measures between 45.7 and 53.3 cm from head to toe now.

Your baby’s toenails are grown. In fact, they’re long enough for a trim when he/she is born.

The reproductive system is fully formed. Your baby’s testes have settled into position in the scrotum. If you’re having a girl, her labia are fully formed.

How is your baby’s brain developing?

Your baby’s brain continues to grow and to the point where it weighs nearly 400 g now.

What pregnancy symptom might you experience this week?

You may experience diarrhea in the last few weeks of pregnancy. It’s a normal indication that labour is coming. Here’s what you can do to ensure the continued health of your pregnancy:

Drink plenty of water to replace the fluids you lose from any watery bowel movements.

See your doctor. While most people will recover from diarrhea after a few days, you may need to visit your doctor if it doesn’t clear up.

Mom’s Tip of the Week

You may start to feel “the lightning crotch”, a sharp and painful sensation in the vaginal area. It occurs as your baby bumps into sensitive nerves in your pelvis. Don’t be alarmed when it happens – it’s not unusual to experience such symptom at this stage of your pregnancy. Stay off your feet as much as possible to help relieve the pressure and discomfort.


  1. Data on file