What’s happening in week 35 of your pregnancy?
Your baby is the size of a pineapple at 50.8 cm from head to toe. He/she weighs about 2.3 kg. You can support his body development by eating more protein-rich food.
Your baby is likely to be in a head-down position by now with his head against your pelvic bone and his feet at the top of your belly.
He/she is getting ready for diapers. His intestines contain his first waste called meconium, which he/she will excrete after birth.
How is your baby’s brain developing?
Your baby is working so hard to develop his brain. His head is now larger than his body to accommodate his brain growth.
What pregnancy symptom might you experience this week?
It’s normal to feel worried about motherhood as the delivery date approaches. These tips may help you recognize if you’re experiencing something more severe like prenatal depression, and to enjoy your pregnancy:
Know the signs. They vary from person to person, but mental health signs include experiencing severe mood swings, overwhelming sadness, insomnia, fatigue and feelings of hopelessness.
Get help from friends and family for chores and caring for your new-born. It’s also important to talk things over with your doctor or a therapist if you feel overwhelmed by your feelings.
Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is one of the risk factors for depression.
Mom’s Tip of the Week
A lack of sleep can also trigger other symptoms, such as pregnancy headaches and low blood sugar levels. Make sure you get enough rest every night or take a nap during the day.
- Data on file