Read about reaching milestones: 21 to 24 months
All toddlers have their own timetable, but you can watch for certain developments around this time. Celebrate with your child as they reach or nears these milestones.
- Shows continuing interest in names of objects
- Names simple objects in a book
- Knows how household items are used (a spoon to eat, a telephone to talk)
- Names at least six body parts
- Uses toys when pretending to do everyday tasks (feeding a stuffed animal)
- Remembers favourite items that are out of sight (biscuit in the cupboard, a toy in toy box)
- Follows two-step requests. E.g., Go to the room and get your toy.
- May begin to organize items by category—size or type, for example
- Stands on tiptoes
- Walks with balance along curbs or logs
- Runs
- Climbs well
- Navigates stairs, up and down
- Kicks a ball
- Kids start jumping by this age
- Throws s ball
- Uses pincer grip accurately e.g. holding a pencil
- Manipulates toys appropriately
- Able to turn knobs, push buttons
- Able to turn pages one at a time
- Uses a spoon and possibly a fork
- Enjoys playing with blocks
- May use 50 to 70 words
- Uses simple phrases or puts two words together (e.g. all gone, come here, sit down, give me this)
- May say first sentence, 18 to 30 months
- Sings
- May refer to self by name, especially instead of saying “I“
- May ask, “Why?”
- Recognises and calls family members with names.
- Kids are usually impulsive at this age.
- Prone to tantrums
- Makes broad, often quick emotional shifts
- May show changing preference for one parent or the other
- Becomes more interested in play
- May start sharing toys, food with others
- Likes to do things without help
- Watchful around adults they don’t know.
- Data on file