Why and how children can easily learn the second language?

  • Children have a great ability to absorb.
  • Children are capable of learning the language faster, retain it better and most often can speak it with near-native pronunciation.
  • They can learn language naturally.
  • They can devote almost their full time on learning a new language as they don't have other responsibilities, but their only job is to learn and study.
  • Children have intense motivation.
  • It is observed that children have a physically powerful individual need to learn if they are surrounded by people speaking the second language.
  • At a young age, the brain is more adaptable, and children can learn new languages without self-consciousness.
  • They have fewer negative attitudes towards other languages and cultures compared to adults.

Benefits of learning other languages apart from English

  • Learning the language early in life helps children speak  correct and fluently, making them have a better chance to speak proficiency.
  • Learning a new language is found to be associated with improved ability to communicate, better cognitive development, richer cultural awareness and better job opportunities in future.
  • Learning new languages at an early age helps children to understand different cultures so that they grow up broadminded and sympathetic to others. 


  1. Ghasemi B, Hashemi M. Foreign language learning during childhood. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2011;28:872-6.
  2. Violetta-Irene K. Young Learners: How advantageous is the early start? IOSR-JHSS. 2013;15(5):27-37.