Importance of teaching hygiene habits1,2
- Teaching your child the basics of proper personal hygiene is important for keeping him/ her healthy and clean.
- It's important for younger children to practice good hygiene, especially hand washing as children spend a lot of time in close contact with each other in the classroom, share everything from desks and chairs to germs.
- Teaching children about personal hygiene and cleanliness and getting these habits into a routine early can help them continue to take care of themselves as they grow up.
How to inculcate hygienic habits in your child2
- It's important to spend time with your child practising and teaching good hygiene at home.
- The best way to teach positive health habits is by including them in children's daily routine.
- Until your child is able to do this, you need to take of the tasks.
Good hygiene habits and advantages
Hand washing3
- Good handwashing practised often, lowers infection and removes dirt.3
- Teach your child to wash his/ her hands before eating, after going to the toilet and after playing or touching animals or dirty things.
- Ask them to use water and soap over hands and wrists.
- Ensure your child uses soap and lathers for at least 15 seconds before rinsing.
- Ask them to dry hands thoroughly.
Start toilet training your child4
- Toilet training can be done by developing a routine.
- Set a specific time of the day for your child to sit on the potty, e.g., first thing in the morning, after meals or snacks or before and after naps and at bedtime.
- Teach your child how to wipe properly.
- Girls should be taught to wipe from front to back.
- Teaching Your Child Good Personal Hygiene[Internet]. Available at: Accessed on Feb 18, 2020.
- Personal hygiene for toddlers and preschoolers[Internet]. Available at: Accessed on Feb 18, 2020.
- Kericho JC, Rebecca K. The implementation of hygiene practices in early childhood education centers in londiani sub-county, kericho county. International Journal of Education, Learning and Development. 2016 Oct;4(9):46-52.
- Toilet learning[Internet]. Available at: Accessed on Feb 18, 2020.