- During your baby’s first four months, you might have had doubts about they understanding much that was happening around them.
- This reaction is not surprising as up to 4 months since children show just a few signs of actually thinking. Studies show that children start learning about the world around them right from the minute they are born, even though it may not be apparent.
- Now, as their memory and attention span increase, you’ll start noticing evidence that they are not only absorbing information but also applying it to their day-to-day activities.
- During this time, one of the most important concepts they will know is the principle of cause and effect.
- Perhaps while kicking the mattress, they will notice the crib shaking.
- Once they come to know that they can cause these interesting reactions, they will continue to experiment with other ways to make things happen.
- Your baby will quickly discover that interesting sounds are made by somethings when moved or shaken.
- They will start dropping things intentionally to see you pick them up.
- You should give your child the things they need for such experiments and encourage them to test their “theories.” But ensure that everything you give them to play with is unbreakable, lightweight, and large enough so that they can’t swallow it.
- Another important discovery for your kid during this period is that objects continue to exist when they’re out of their sight, called as object permanence.
- During their first few months, they assumed that the world consisted only of things that they could see.
- When you leave the room, they assume you vanished; when you return, you are a whole new person to them.
- Similarly, when you hide a toy, they think it was gone and wouldn’t bother looking for it.
- But sometime after four months, they start realizing that the world is more permanent.
- You’re the same person who wakes them up every morning.
- Their teddy bear on the floor is the same that was on the bed with them the night before.
- By playing games like peekaboo and observing the comings and goings of people and things around them, your baby will continue to learn about object permanence for many months to come.
By this time, they also
- Let you know if they are happy or sad
- Show response to affection
- Reach for a toy with one hand
- Use hands and eyes together, such as seeing and reaching for a toy
- Follow moving objects with eyes from side to side
- Watch faces closely
- Recognise familiar people and things at a distance
- Cognitive Development: 4 to 7 Months[Internet]. Available at: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/Pages/Cognitive-Development-4-to-7-Months.aspx. Accessed on Feb 28, 2020.
- Important Milestones: Your Baby By Four Months[Internet]. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-4mo.html. Accessed on Feb 28, 2020.