- Children depend on daily routines.
- They wake up, have breakfast, go to school, play with friends.
- When emergencies or disasters interrupt their routine, they may become anxious.
- In case of a disaster, they'll look to you and other adults for help.
- However, emergencies can occur even when you are not with your child.
- Therefore, it is important for you to teach children some basic things that can help them to get some help during emergencies.
- Teach your child how to identify danger signals.
- Teach your child how and when to call for help.
- Ensure that your child knows what the phone number of fire services, police helpline is and local community warning systems sound like (horns, sirens).
- Explain to them how to call for help.
- Help your child memorise important family information.
- They should memorise the names of parents/ gaurdians, their address and phone number.
- They should also know where to meet in case of an emergency.
- Some children may not be old enough to memorise the information. They could be given a small index card that lists emergency information to give to an adult or babysitter, if available.
Helping Children Cope with Disaster[Internet]. Available at: https://aasc.assam.gov.in/sites/default/files/swf_utility_folder/departments/aasc_webcomindia_org_oid_4/portlet/level_2/Helping%20Children%20Cope%20with%20Disaster_0.pdf. Accessed on Mar 13, 2020.