Finding sufficient time to meet work and family commitments poses immense challenges for employed mothers.
Following strategies can help working mothers to deal with day to day struggles:
Modify work hours
Try to modify office work hours by opting for flexi-timings or shifts based on the household chore, your children's schooling and extra-curricular activities.
Multitasking is another strategy that you can use to manage an excess of time demands and thus save time.
This helps in maintaining a close connection with your children and to keep up with work-related communications.
Be organised
Try to organise work and family schedule.
For planning the intricate scheduling of work and family life, you can write up timetables or create spreadsheets to organise family time.
Take husbands' help
Try to involve your spouse in housework or childcare tasks despite knowing the fact that husbands usually tend to be "helpers" rather than initiators of such tasks.
- Rose J. "Never Enough Hours in the Day": Employed Mothers' Perceptions of Time Pressure. Australian Journal of Social. 2017;52:116–30.