What is school readiness?
“School readiness” refers to preparing your child for the several aspects including the academic knowledge, independence, communication, and social skills that they need to do well in school. For preparing your child for school, you should spend time reading, talking and playing with your child.
To prepare your child for school, you should:
Read to your child daily and talk regarding what you’ve read.
- Sing rhyming songs and do finger plays with kids.
- Put your child’s name on his/ her clothing and toys that can help him/ her to recognise their name in print.
- Teach your child to write his or her name.
- Teach your child basic colours.
- Give your child puzzles and games that require counting and problem solving.
- Let your child scribble, draw, write and cut and paste.
- Take your child to the zoo, park, grocery store, post office and pet shop.
- Talk to them about the sights and sounds of your day.
- Spend time with your child in singing, dancing, climbing, jumping, running and riding tricycles or bikes.
- Opt for child care that promotes learning with well planned, fun and interesting activities.
- Set rules for your child and give consequences for breaking them.
- Set up regular routines for mealtime and bedtime.
- Provoke your child to play with and talk to other children.
- Encourage him/ her to take turns and share with other children.
- Encourage children to finish difficult or frustrating tasks once they have begun them.
- Encourage your child to consider the feelings of others.
- Model and teach children positive ways to express his or her feelings.
- Discourage hitting, biting, screaming and other negative behaviours.
- Regularly have conversations with your child.
- Encourage your child to listen and respond to others when they talk.
- Model the language you want your kid to use.
- Let your child learn to dictate letters to family and friends.
A parent’s guide to preparing your child for school[Internet]. Available at: http://www.nea.org/assets/docs/HE/44013_NEA_W_L8.pdf. Accessed on Feb 18, 2020.