Temper tantrums are a normal part of growing up.1

A tantrum is an expression of your child's frustration when they have trouble figuring something out or completing a specific task. 1

Frustration might trigger anger resulting in a temper tantrum. 1

How to handle toddler tantrums when they happen1,2

Many times tantrums happen no matter how well you avoid them. In such cases:

  • Try to stay calm. Getting angry will make the situation worse both for you and your child.
  • By acknowledging your child's strong feelings, they might get a chance to reset emotions.
  • Stay close to your child and wait out the tantrum.
  • Try to distract your child with a different book or a change of location.
  • If your child is hitting or kicking someone, hold him or her until he or she calms down.
  • Try to calm your child's tantrum with compassion. Offer comfort and redirection when your child is ready.

Tantrum Prevention Tactics3

  • It is best to avoid situations wherein a tantrum might erupt.
  • Have open communication with your toddler. Let them know your plan for the day and stick to your routine to minimize surprises.
  • Keep their favourite toy or food with you to keep them occupied when you run errands.
  • Before you go out, your child should be well-rested and well-fed to avoid provocation.
  • Pick your battles. Sometimes you can give in a little, especially when it comes to small things.
  • Whenever your child has avoided a tantrum, praise them for doing a good job of controlling their temper.


  1. Temper tantrums in toddlers: How to keep the peace [Internet]. Available from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/tantrum/art-20047845. Accessed on 29th February 2020
  2. Tantrums: why they happen and how to respond [Internet]. Available from https://raisingchildren.net.au/toddlers/behaviour/crying-tantrums/tantrums. Accessed on 29th February 2020
  3. How to Handle a Temper Tantrum [Internet]. Available from https://www.webmd.com/parenting/guide/preventing-temper-tantrums-in-children#1. Accessed on 29th February 2020